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About us

Froehlich Global Search is an international business consultancy. Since our founding, our overriding aim has been to increase the value of our customers’ companies and institutions. Our consultancy focuses on national and international clients, start-ups and mid-size family companies. Furthermore, we support administrative authorities, governmental organisations and party structures.

We concentrate on looking for managerial staff and specialists. We also assist companies in their search for company successors. Moreover, our spectrum of services covers the coaching and auditing of managerial staff and the support of interim managers when filling vacancies.

The business consultancy was founded by our CEO, Niklas Fröhlich, who has worked as a successful manager in human resources consulting for many years. Beginning in a spin-off run by Roland Berger, it was possible to establish far-reaching networks at an early stage and to integrate them into Mr Fröhlich’s current firm.

Thanks to extensive experience in the HR and executive research sectors, Froehlich Global Search has an excellent base from which it can provide consultancy services at the highest level.

We will be more than happy to provide information about reference projects at any time.